Jun 23, 2019
Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch shares a word that God gave her about living waters. God’ spoke, “I have surely seen the oppression of My people in the world today. You will hear My commission with complete clarity. God said, that He sent the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth to help you. We have to take the...
Jun 23, 2019
Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch shares a word that God gave her about the Miracle Weekend. God shares His heart prophetically about what He is doing and how is preparing His Body to move forward in this season. God is getting the Body of Christ right so the Body can move in miracle working power If you stay right...
Jun 1, 2019
Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch shares a word that God gave her about longsuffering. The Body of Christ needs to learn how to suffer long with Christ. So many in the Body of Christ do not live a consecrated lifestyle to Christ. You are gonna need to be Jesus to the people that God sends your way. Consecration to...