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Aug 23, 2018

Towards the end of our evening service on Sunday August 19, 2018 God speaks through Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch.  He spoke and told us about Great Revelation being released, the enemy would no longer bombard the Body of Christ, there is coming a greater anointing, an anointing that will manifest God's power...

Aug 16, 2018

Prophetic word given at service tonight... God is saying to remember that I am your mainstay... hold fast because the enemy has come with everything to take you off course.  promises that God is still gonna be there. 

Aug 13, 2018

Pastor/Evangelist Barbara Lynch spoke on the Season of Repentance.  As she spoke the atmosphere became charged and God the Father started manifesting through her about the importance of getting it together.   The Body of Christ has to get out of deception.  The Body of Christ must realize we are in our final...