Jan 5, 2025
Let today be the day to look at the prize with brand new eyes. God's calling His people to claim what He has for us- let us rise to our positions in Him.
If I am King, then let Me rule your heart this day. Forget about yesterday. Look at today with brand new eyes. See yourself as I see you, not as others tell you that you are. You are not perfected at this moment but you are working on perfection.
Children, do not allow the naysayers to bring you down Stand your ground in Me in love. Hold your head high and move on. We all make mistakes little ones- we all make mistakes- repent and move forward. Quit looking back, don't walk with regret, walk with peace, perfect peace.
I do rule and I do reign from the heavenly realm but I cannot cause you to rule with Me. I so desire to give you a special touch a touch that the enemy will not be able to steal from you a new year a new day a new dawning knew everything I Knocking at the door And I am saying allow the new year to walk in.
Let all the old go and just walk with Me hand in hand. There are going to be ups and there's going to be downs. That's just the way life is, but as you hold on to my everlasting arm, I will take you through the valleys, I will bring you to the mountain tops, and I guarantee you, you will be full of my love, you will be able to love the unlovable, and you will be able to shoulder the things that the enemy throws your way, they will no longer drag you back down; you have learned how to cast them off and how to walk free.
Yes, the atmosphere is heavy with darkness and gloom doom and despair
But as you come up into the third heaven with Me you find peace, love, and rest for your weary souls. Please listen to Me this day please understand that I love you each one of you individually I love you just where you are at and I am working to bring you to perfection do not give up now you're so close to the glory.
Do not allow the enemy to steal what I've already given you and what I have in front of you My love show abound on all signs if my churches shall be churches of love, grace, mercy and long suffering. You will see my little ones as you move forward. You will look back at this and say, "Well, look what the enemy tried to do to Me, but look what my Father accomplished in me and through me."
Children, this is not the hour to be discouraged or dismayed. This is the hour just to walk in perfect love and unity with a Father who loves you Me with a Father who weeps over you and with you with a Father who dances and rejoices with you in a whole oh how I do dance and rejoice with you. I love it when you dance and you shout and you sing praises unto Me! Stay free; stay calm and rest assured that I am with you.
Do not allow this last thrust of the enemy take you out. Stand firm and as you overcome this last thrust of the enemy, you will then walk into total victory in every area of your lives.
I am not finished with you yet there is so much to see so much to accomplish and
my glory just gets brighter and brighter and brighter until you will no longer see
the darkness all you see is hope everlasting hope in the light of the Father
sing praises unto Me. That is what defeats the enemy. Do not allow him to steal
your worship. Defeat the enemy at every turn.
Come up hither right now and let's you and I dine together. Let's you and I have a great wonderful Meeting this day, a Meeting that will last
you throughout eternity. You are truly mine, and I am well pleased with you.
Be forewarned: the enemy desires to take you out- to take you back into his hole, but you don't have to go there, for my grace is so sufficient.