Jan 15, 2025
Allow God's Love to saturate you.
My children, I am pouring out a special love upon you this night, right now. A love that has come directly from the Heavenly Throne Room from My heart.I want you to receive from Me right now.
The enemy is trying to steal what I am trying to do here this night. You have to enter in. You have to determine to be changed by My love. You have to grasp it to your bosom.
Feel it flowing through your being and when you are totally saturated, then you will have something to flow out of you into others. I love you with an everlasting love. I gave My son for you to prove our love for you.
Come, come into My heart. Come into the stream of love and never allow the enemy to ever steal your love ever again. It is pure love. It is a love that transcends all other love. It's not love as the world gives. It is My love, My perfect love. Breathe in that love right now.
Saturate yourself in that love right now. My children when two people who love each other hold each other in their arms, all they do is cherish the moment. They don't break it by words, they just cherish the moment this night. We are lovers, you and I.
I don't want you to speak, I want you to cherish the moment. I want you to remember this night always, for love has come down and saturated your very being. You will find that the love you had in your heart already It's going to go deeper and deeper still. You who are who are lovers right now, you will find a greater bonding than what you had when you walked through these doors.
This love that I have saturated with you with tonight goes far beyond your imagination, your understanding. This love has nothing to do with this world. I am love. I came tonight for this purpose to love you, to be your one and only, to take away the hurt, the pain, to seal those who are already in love.
Husbands and wives, love one another. If you're in a relationship and it's love, love even deeper still, never allow the enemy to steal this love that I have given you. You will find yourself feeling differently, more at peace. You'll be resting in My arms of love.
Even though the battles will rage round about, the enemy will not be able to steal this peace and this love that I have dropped within you this night.
There's so much of you in here, you've been crying out and crying out and you need answers from God as you marinate in My love you will receive those answers and when I give them to you keep them close to your bosom.
You need to understand that no one-- nothing can separate that I have joined together and I have joined you together with Me this night. The love of God will be spread abroad throughout the lands. You are My beloved ones.