Dec 18, 2024
Come forth and get on the path that God has for you. Let the gap be bridged between you and He. Be placed where you need to be at in this hour.
My children, I am here this night and I am walking in your midst.
If you listen to the words of the songs that were played tonight,
you will hear the story of my heart.
I am speaking volumes to you in this hour. I am all around about you and I am pouring myself into you this night I am beckoning you to come up hither rest in my presence before the table that I have prepared for you love abounds there is nothing that you have done that would keep you far away from me where my arms cannot reach.
And I am calling you to myself. Let us be reconciled this night.
I so desire to pour all that I am into your willing vessels.
As you open your heart chambers to me, I will fill you with all that you have
need of.
I'm here to fill every void, to heal every wound, to bring into wholeness that which was broken. This is the night of restoration. Let you and I go together hand -in -hand in the days ahead with strength, integrity, holiness and righteousness. Let us rejoice in this hour.
Put all things to the side and focus upon me and my word.
My children receive the freedom
that are brought to you this night The enemy stomping grounds have been destroyed You now You control what happens in your life
Do not allow the enemy to take you backwards.
I foreordained this night for total and complete freedom for all of my children, not just one or two.
The camp fires of adversity will still grow. But I,
the Lord thy God, I have given you a secret place in my kingdom where the me cannot touch you unless you allow him to. Freedom is in the camp.
Freedom all around about you. There's no reason for you to leave here bound and destroyed for my love abounds. My security abounds.
Step into that freedom, little ones. Step in to all that I have for ordained for
you this night. The shepherds are watching over their flocks, and they are doing exactly what I am instructing them to do. And I'm going to tell you this night, When revival and all of its fullness strikes the earth
Make sure you are in the very center of my will Make sure that you are a leader leading others to me.
I Forordained you to be Who you are and where you are at this given time.
There are too many wondering feet wondering here and wondering there. When I want to plant you, where I want to use you,
the enemy is deceptive. He is speaking to my people and he is telling them lies.
You my children must walk in victory You must know this still small voice and Don't be moved By every doctrine that comes your way.
I have brought clarity tonight You might not feel anything right now,
but you will see in the days head. That I brought you gift after gift tonight,
but the biggest gift was your freedom. Some of you are holding your own self in bondage.
Come forth. Out of that pigsty,
You are a prodigal that I am trying to bring up and bring out.
Do not deny the name of my son Jesus any longer.
My son Jesus was rooted and grounded.
I need you rooted and grounded in me.
There is a mass exodus occurring right now in my body.
Many are turning back and they are not following me.
These are the ones that have become hopeless,
Could not stay the course
But you my children You know me
You know my voice and You have been following my voice Continue to follow it little ones For victory is surely in your camp this night and the enemy has been defeated.
God's also saying a vast majority of the body of believers have
not known him in his fullness
and that is why they are walking away.
He's saying, "But you, my children, you know me in my fullness.
You know that I've been with you in your hours of despair.
You know that I have shown my grace and my mercy over and over and over again."
My children as you harken to my words You will see the truth in what I am saying the hour ahead is dire and I need each one of you to come before my footstool and I need each and every one of you to receive the weightiness of the truth that I am speaking.
Now is the time that as you reconcile your hearts with me,
that I desire to move you forward into all that I have for you.
But the weightiness of sin of old mindsets and bad habits will keep you out of my kingdom. You must at all cost be aware of the times and the seasons.
Be seeking my face for wisdom and discernment.
You must heed my voice of instruction that I am speaking through my servants this night.
The hour is late and we have a works to do for there are many that are lost and dying and falling into the abyss each and every day.
I cannot ignore the cries that are coming up from the ground and I must respond and I want each and every one of you to be a vessel of honor and integrity that
I can work through to accomplish this purpose.
The Church as a whole God is saying I'm a holy God and I require holiness and purity of heart out of each one of you. What I'm taking you into is going to require walking like my son Jesus walked. You can never look to the right nor to the left or behind. But while he's doing this he wants us to have joy unspeakable It is the joy the Lord is going to win the people to the cross.
And he's colonized at this given moment to be long suffering with the protocols and the unsaved that he's bringing into the house of the Lord
My protocols are battle weary. They just want to lay down and just give up. But I am bringing them forth. You will tutor them in the ways of the Lord.
And you will know great victories as long as you keep your eyes upon the cross.